When it comes to becoming a mother for the first time, there are so many random thoughts and worries that go through your mind. Some thoughts as innocent as what will my baby look like and some as heavy as what if something goes wrong during my pregnancy. Even though the thought can vary significantly, when it is all said and done and you are loving on your sweet baby, you tend to forget about the rest. The moment that you look at your newly born baby and the overwhelming love that consumes you is quite breathtaking. I remember the moment vividly. The moment came to me after I had been moved from my labor and delivery room to another room in the hospital. By this time, all of the family had left the hospital and it was just my baby and I. As I looked over at him in his cozy new outfit and his plastic looking hospital bed, I saw perfection! He was not moving, I could barely see his chest moving up and down, he was silent. I stared at him in awwwe all night long that first night after he was born. I remember not even thinking about the pain that I was in or all of the things that I had to do, I just lived in the moment. A moment that I thank God for and I will cherish for the rest of my life.
When I photograph mothers during their maternity sessions, I revisit those moments and I can only pray that they experience those same moments with their babies. I look at these mothers and see the sweet innocence that motherhood brings. An innocence that is filled with love and hope and an excitement on new levels. I am honored that they chose me to be a small part of their life and to capture these memories for them. My hope is that they will treasure the photos forever, and share them for generations to come.
To all of the mothers out there – I’d love to hear your most memorable maternity story.

Beautifully expressed , felt I shared and treasured that moment with you.